Dec 31, 2009

Daydreaming on the New Year Day

It is the first day of 2010!

Of course there is no school or ballet class today. I am staying at home and tidying my room, somehow I want to give a nice start for this year.

I found my 2009 diary resting peacefully in the bottom of my desk drawer. I flipped through it, reading the things that I wrote. It is kind of fun reading your own diary, as the memories flashing in your mind like a movie. Honestly, I didn't use my diary very often. Many of the dates are left blank, especially the second half of the year. It seemed that my zest of writing diary had faded. I feel sorry for that.

Mom bought me a new diary of 2010 the other day. I take it out and fascinating what will I write into those pages. Will this year be no different like the others? Or will it be full of surprises, challenges and adventures? There are 365 days ahead and 365 pages in the diary. It looks like every page is full of possibilities.

I just hope that there is always something I can write into my diary.

~ Ally

P.S. To my dearest friends: Happy New Year!

Dec 24, 2009

A Christmas Wish

Its Christmas time again
The season of renewal
Love, faith, charity
And all that is beautiful
Chimes greatly in to every heart
Beating in celebrations
Of Spirit, togetherness, and affirmation.

I wish you good health, happiness and cheer.
And all the best things in the new coming year.

I wish peace for the world and true freedom for all
For the Devil and hate, a final, downfall..

I hope those filled with greed will find they have enough
That love and friendship will replace all that "stuff".

I hope the homeless and hungry
Find relief from their plight.

I wish a life for the Children will be worth living
Each with loving parents the art of giving.

I hope we'll care for our earth.
Quit polluting this place,before it's too late

For the Human Race.

Merry Christmas!

Dec 18, 2009

The new tutu

After two weeks of practice we finally can put on our new tutu for rehearsal. It is glittering in white and silver in the spotlight.

Let's hope that the dance recital will be successful and we shall gather more canned food for the food bank.

We still need a little bit more practice. Well, we all feel that the more practice we have, the more confident we are.

Yes, we are ready.

Dec 11, 2009

My first ballet shoe

I was cleaning my room and found a really old box in my closet with the word ballet on it. Apparently, my mom kept some old photos and ballet things as a memory box for me. I found this really cute photo of our first class (when we were only three years old!) and my very first ballet shoe! Remember how we first started and was stumbling while learning our pirourette and admiring the advanced class doing their jete? Through hard practice, we have become a better ballet dancer. Christmas performance is coming up and we are all working hard, i can't wait for our family to come watch us!

Dec 9, 2009

Jolly Christmas Dance Recital!

Hi Everyone! Our Dance school will be hosting a Christmas dance recital and our family and friends are invited!  We are really excited about performing and most importantly, it is all for a good cause!  Tickets will be on sale or you may instead bring two canned goods for free admission!  All collected food items will be donated to the local food bank so that it will be a warm and full Christmas for all those in need!  Hope to see you all then!

Dec 5, 2009

Winter Wonderland

It is finally December and Christmas is definitely in the air, the snow has covered the mountain tops and trees and we just couldn't wait and went to the frozen lake for ice-skating right after our ballet class!  Mia is as cute as ever and was wobbly on her skates and would not let go of Eve's hand.  Ally is always her best and showed off her jumps.  I was just glad to be out in woods, breathing in the cold fresh air, and skating so free as the wind hit my face.  It was truly a winter wonderland, so calm and beautiful.

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